International Yoga Day, which is celebrated annually on June 21, was founded by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2015 with the intention of fostering harmony and peace amongst nations through the ancient practice of yoga. Now, Apple Watch has announced that it will be launching its new Apple Watch on International Yoga Day, June 21, 2022. Apple Watch is set to celebrate the upcoming International Day of Yoga by launching a new activity challenges.
What is Yoga?
The International Day of Yoga is a global celebration taking place every year, encouraging millions of people worldwide to incorporate yoga into their lives. The day, first proposed in 2014 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India, has been growing steadily since its inception. In 2017 alone, more than 35 million people participated and 138 countries signed on to become signatories for holding events related to yoga that day.
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What is International Yoga Day?
International yoga day, also called national yoga day 2022, is an international event celebrating yoga and promoting unity through a variety of activities. The World Health Organization has made International yoga day its preferred name for 21 June, referring to it as Yoga – A Health Ambassador. The date coincides with one of two solstices in Asian countries: summer solstice (midsummer) in Mongolia and winter solstice (midwinter) in Vietnam. It takes place every year on 21 June at 11 am local time.
Why it Matters to the Digital World?
One of several announcements coming out of Apple’s September 2018 event was that Apple would be announcing a national yoga day. We don’t know when it will be yet—but chances are high it will fall around 2022—the same year that Bhutan is set to host its first International Day of Yoga celebrations.
How Can You Get involved?
Well, if you’re like us and are an avid Apple watcher (and, who isn’t these days?) then we have some exciting news for you. It looks like Apple has finally come out with its own take on a smartwatch after Google Glasses and Fitbits galore. And, get this—the folks at Apple are finally looking outside of their iPhone screens and into our eyes! As it turns out, they want to help create national yoga day 2022!
Final Thoughts
All month long, a number of tech giants have been promoting yoga in celebration of international day of yoga (IDY). IDY is an initiative started by PM Narendra Modi, with a vision to promote holistic wellness. Over 4000 B-schools and 200 corporate offices have signed up for IDY 2017. Yet another pioneer in tech who has joined the bandwagon is Apple. Apple announced that they would be supporting IDY as part of their wellness drive through their latest device, Apple watch.