In 1996, Internet Explorer was released as Microsoft’s first web browser, designed to support the company’s then-new Windows operating system and to compete with Netscape Navigator, the most popular browser of its time. Today, 25 years later, Internet Explorer is shutting down in favor of newer technology and better browsers, including Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Here’s why the once-popular web browser is being killed off by Microsoft.
What Is An Internet Browser?
An internet browser (commonly referred to as a web browser) is a software application that you can use to view websites on your computer. Think of it like a television or radio; one program plays movies, another plays music, and yet another shows sports. In a similar way, an internet browser works differently depending on what you want to do.
Which Browsers Are Available?
The good news is that Internet Explorer isn’t going away entirely. Two browsers—Internet Explorer 11 and Microsoft Edge—will still be available.
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Is The Future Of The Browsers Bleak?
Microsoft confirmed that Internet Explorer is being discontinued. This means it will no longer receive updates. If your business relies on IE, it’s time to look for alternatives. There are several browsers out there and all of them have their pros and cons, which you can check in our comparison table.
What’s Happening To IE10 and 11 Now?
Microsoft announced that starting January 12, 2016, support for Internet Explorer (IE) version 10 and Internet Explorer 11 will be discontinued for Windows 7 Service Pack 1. That means users of Windows 7 SP1 cannot get new security updates from Microsoft. So if you still use IE10 or IE11 and your operating system is Windows 7 SP1, your browser will remain vulnerable to security threats. To prevent attacks in your IE browser, upgrade it to version 12 or newer before January 12th 2016.
How Do You See Which Browsers Visitors Are Using?
You can see which browsers your visitors are using by checking out your Google Analytics data. If you’re not familiar with it, Google Analytics is a free service that provides you with all sorts of details about your website traffic, including what browser (and operating system) your visitors are using. The easiest way to find browser information in Google Analytics is to go to Behavior > Site Content > Landing Pages and sort by browser.
How To Download Internet Explorer Latest Version?
Using an outdated browser can put you at risk of viruses and malware, so before you decide to uninstall Internet Explorer and jump ship to a different browser like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, there are a few things to keep in mind. To download and install Internet Explorer latest version you’ll need your Windows CD key, which Microsoft suggests keeping safe as it will allow you to re-install in case something goes wrong with your upgrade.
Internet Explorer 11 download latest version for Windows 10, Windows 8, and Windows 7. Internet Explorer version 11 offers improved security, a faster start-up time and has additional features to aid your online browsing experience. One of those improvements is more streamlined management of cookies. Users can now control how long these files can stay on their computer before they’re deleted—and also limit their use to certain sites or prevent them from storing information while you browse.
How To Upgrade/Update Microsoft Edge?
Microsoft Edge will be replaced by Microsoft Internet Explorer on Windows 10 later in 2017. Users will have to upgrade/update Microsoft Edge before Microsoft Internet Explorer takes over and pushes it out. Users of older versions of Internet Explorer will also be required to upgrade/update before they can access web pages that only run in Internet Explorer 11. To save users a headache, though, Microsoft has announced that these updates are automatic and should happen seamlessly. For more information about how to do this automatically, read our guide.